Date 2023.07
Client Ulsan Museum
Project Manager Kim Gwangrae, Yang Heerae
Contents & UX Designer Yang Heerae
Director Choi Junwon
Lead Artist Lee Seonghyun
Artist Lee Heewon, Hong Sookyeong, Choi Seulgi, Kim Junhyuk, Kim Haeun
H/W Production Choi Sanghun
Sound Cravesound
Date 2023.07
Client Ulsan Museum
Project Manager Kim Gwangrae, Yang Heerae
Contents & UX Designer Yang Heerae
Director Choi Junwon
Lead Artist Lee Seonghyun
Artist Lee Heewon, Hong Sookyeong, Choi Seulgi, Kim Junhyuk, Kim Haeun
H/W Production Choi Sanghun
Sound Cravesound
거대 암석들로 둘러 쌓인 타임리프 공간 양측 벽면에 암각화 문양들이 각인되어 있고 중앙 벽면에 서서히 반구천 일원 지도가 암석에 새겨진다. 순간 암각화의 문양들이 번쩍거리고 움직이며 반구서사 이야기가 시작된다. 입체적으로 펼쳐지는 반구천 일원의 경관과 역사적 이야기 속으로 여행을 떠난다.
역사적, 문화적 가치가 있는 반구천 일대의 모습을 실감 콘텐츠로 제작하여 지역 문화 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 제작하는 것이 목적이었습니다. '반구 서사'라는 거대한 흐름 속에 시대별 이야기를 옴니버스 형식으로 구성, 고증에 기반하여 창의적이고 다양한 방식으로 풀어보았습니다.
Petroglyph patterns are engraved on both walls of the Time Leap space surrounded by giant rocks, and a map of the Bangucheon Stream is gradually engraved into the rocks on the central wall. At that moment, the patterns on the petroglyphs flash and move, and the story of the Hemisphere epic begins. Let's go on a journey through the three-dimensional scenery and historical stories of the Bangucheon Stream.
The goal was to produce content that could contribute to revitalizing local culture by producing realistic content depicting the Bangucheon area, which has historical and cultural value. In the grand trend of 'hemispheric narrative', stories from each era were organized in an omnibus format and told in creative and diverse ways based on historical research.
역사적, 문화적 가치가 있는 반구천 일대의 모습을 실감 콘텐츠로 제작하여 지역 문화 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 제작하는 것이 목적이었습니다. '반구 서사'라는 거대한 흐름 속에 시대별 이야기를 옴니버스 형식으로 구성, 고증에 기반하여 창의적이고 다양한 방식으로 풀어보았습니다.
Petroglyph patterns are engraved on both walls of the Time Leap space surrounded by giant rocks, and a map of the Bangucheon Stream is gradually engraved into the rocks on the central wall. At that moment, the patterns on the petroglyphs flash and move, and the story of the Hemisphere epic begins. Let's go on a journey through the three-dimensional scenery and historical stories of the Bangucheon Stream.
The goal was to produce content that could contribute to revitalizing local culture by producing realistic content depicting the Bangucheon area, which has historical and cultural value. In the grand trend of 'hemispheric narrative', stories from each era were organized in an omnibus format and told in creative and diverse ways based on historical research.