Date 2023.03
Client Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage
Project Manager Kim Gwangrae
Director Choi Junwon
Artist Choi Daesik, Choi Junwon, Lee Seonghyun
Date 2023.03
Client Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage
Project Manager Kim Gwangrae
Director Choi Junwon
Artist Choi Daesik, Choi Junwon, Lee Seonghyun
5C 신라 왕경 숲에서 당시 자연환경을 경험하고, 출토된 유물들을 통해 신라인들의 일상과 생활 의식을 이해하며 실감 콘텐츠 기술을 이용한 보다 생생한 신라 초기 역사를 체험할 수 있습니다.
Experience the recreated forest of Wanggyeong, 5th century Shilla Dynasty, and immersively witness the lifestyles of the early Shilla people and their living consciousness using artifacts discovered.
Experience the recreated forest of Wanggyeong, 5th century Shilla Dynasty, and immersively witness the lifestyles of the early Shilla people and their living consciousness using artifacts discovered.