Date 2022.03
Client Radical
Project Manager Park Suyeon
Director Choi Junwon
Lead Artist Lee Heewon
Artist Hong Sookyeong, Lee Jeonghwan, Jeong Daegyun
Interaction Developer Ryou Yeonji
Sound Paradoxave
Date 2022.03
Client Radical
Project Manager Park Suyeon
Director Choi Junwon
Lead Artist Lee Heewon
Artist Hong Sookyeong, Lee Jeonghwan, Jeong Daegyun
Interaction Developer Ryou Yeonji
Sound Paradoxave
디스커버리 네이처 스케이프는 ‘모험이 기다리는 곳’ 이라는 콘셉트로 사막, 숲, 툰드라 등 자연의 신비로움과 여러 활동을 통해 자신의 한계를 극복하며 진정한 모험가로 탄생하는 이야기로 구성하였습니다.
The concept for Discovery Naturescape is “Where Adventure Awaits”, which tells the story of overcoming one’s limitations within the arcane backdrops of a desert, forest, tundra, and other habitats, where visitors become true explorers in the entire process.
The concept for Discovery Naturescape is “Where Adventure Awaits”, which tells the story of overcoming one’s limitations within the arcane backdrops of a desert, forest, tundra, and other habitats, where visitors become true explorers in the entire process.

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